Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning ~ Book
by Longchenpa
translated by Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro
2020 Revised Edition
Restricted Publication
Root text translation of one of seven treasures or seminal works composed by the illustrious illuminator of the Great Perfection doctrine, the Omniscient Longchenpa.
Light of Berotsna's translators have upgraded the publication by using a more evolved and meaningful translation of text titles, updating style choices, and correcting a few errors. We are confident this revised edition will be beneficial for all who study and contemplate this important Great Perfection text.
Only the Innermost, Unexcelled Cycle of the Upadesha Class contains the complete instructions on togal practice, and the text that gives the clearest and most explicit explanation of them is the Tsig Don Dzod (Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning). The treasury itself is composed of eleven themes, or vajra topics, which cover everything from the ground of Dzogchen, the origin of delusion, the buddha nature, its location, the light channels, the gateways, space and wisdom, the practice, signs of realization, dying and the bardo of dharmata, and the “great liberation”. Every single detail is covered, which is what makes this Treasury unique.
[Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning; Tsig Don Dzod; Tshig Don Dzod; Tsik Don Dzod]
Hardcover Book