Free Downloads ~ Offerings
Light of Berotsana offers the following collection of translations as free downloadable files.
This list includes prayers and sadhanas, excerpts from LOB publications, long life prayers, recorded audio and more. Please check back as we add free downloads often.
Troma Nagmo Chod Teachings & Practice with
Sangye Khandro: 10/12/2024 Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA
A full day of Troma Nagmo Chod w/ Sangye Khandro. Morning & Afternoon Teachings, followed by Concise Troma Tsok.
Digital Audio MP3 download (English + Chinese)
Part 1: Morning Session
Part 2: Afternoon Session including Tsok Puja
Prayer to Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche
A Spontaneous Expression of the Unequaled Kindness of Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche: entitled The Blossoming Youthful White Lotus
by Choying Namgyal (Lama Chonam) 2022
translated by Lee Schmidt and Lama Chonam
Longevity Prayer for Lingtrul Rinpoche
entitled: Ever-Increasing Immortality
by Sogan Tulku Pema Lodoe
A Collection of Concise Daily Practices for Gesar of Ling
Compiled and edited by Light of Berotsana Translation Group
A Precious Garland: A Brief Account of Tibetan Yoginis of the Past
A poem written by Lama Chonam, translated by Sibele Correa and edited by Chagdud Khadro and Lee Schmidt.
The Gathering of The Mandala of Tara
entitled The Profound Essence Endowed with Eight
Revealed by Dudjom Lingpa
A concise and potent Tara supplication.
English version
From the Expansive Sky Treasure of the Dharmata:
The Ritual for Bringing Rain entitled Ocean of Siddhis
Offered on the auspicious Naga Full Moon day, July 24th, 2021. May the skies shower blessings upon us!
The King of Aspiration Prayers for Excellent Conduct

The King of All Practices: Guru Yoga
by Ven. Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche

Mountains of Merit
from The New Treasures of Dudjom
Practices for Purifying the Bones and Making "Sa Tsa" Earth-Molds to Benefit the Deceased.
Translated and offered by John Ross.
Lion-Faced Dakini ~ Hand-Clapping Concise Practice
Senge Dong Chenma
by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje
Light of Berotsana offers this very short Concise Lion-Faced Dakini practice as a free download for your daily practice to help avert illness and negative circumstances for yourself and others.
A supplication to Tara entitled
The Sound of the Gong from the Turquoise Leaf Pure Realm
by Lama Chonam
A poem in the form of a prayer written by Lama Chonam during the pandemic. Translated by Isis Hao with Light of Berotsana.
Please enjoy and share. Download here
White Tara Teachings
Lama Chonam & Sangye Khandro
White Tara teachings from Sangye Khandro and Lama Chonam. The first is a teaching at Yeshe Nyingpo Mexico / Ensenada.
Teaching at Ensenada, MX: download here
Following is a series of teachings given in the spring of 20202 -- at the time of live-streaming White Tara practices at Tashi Choling, Ashland, OR.
Teaching on 3.28.2020: download here
Teaching on 4.4.20202: download here
Teaching on 4.11.2020: download here
Prayer to Guru Rinpoche
Welling Forth from the Expanse of the Wisdom Intent of Maha Ati Yoga: The Supplication to Orgyen Padma Duddul, Tamer of Maras, entitled Invoking the Pith Wisdom Intent
Terma revelation prayer fit for these very times and circumstances. LOB wishes to make this available more widely. It is taken from the Troma Nagmo revelation of Heruka Dudjom Lingpa and is the first supplication prayer in the Troma Intermediate Sadhana.
Important Advice from Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche
Regarding Covid-19 and practice.
Letter from Khenchen Namdrol here
Suggested Practice to Dispel Disease and Illness
The Vajra Speech Radiating Cloud-like Blessings entitled: ‘The Prayer that Saved Sakya from Disease’
Link to suggested practice here
White Tara Sadhana
From the Heart Essence of the Sacred Dharma of the Nirmanakaya: The Sadhana for the Wish-fulfilling Chakra, Noble Mother Tara, entitled: An Excellent Vase of Immortal Nectar
Lama Chonam & Sangye Khandro chant the sadhana revealed by the Terton, Duddul Dorje (embellished with additions by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje)
Download the free mp3 audio file of Lama Chonam & Sangye Khandro chanting the White Tara practice.
Hard Copy Practice Text available from Vimala Treasures: From the Heart Essence of the Sacred Dharma of the Nirmanakaya: The Sadhana for the Wish-fulfilling Chakra, Noble Mother Tara, entitled: An Excellent Vase of Immortal Nectar has been newly translated into English and is available at Vimala Treasures.
Troma Intermediate Sadhana &
Troma Feasts of Chod
Recorded in tunes developed by Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche
Kyabje Dudjom Yangsi Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche arranged to have the Dudjom Tersar Troma Chod Intermediate Sadhana and Troma Feasts of Chod recorded with the intent to offer it freely. These beautiful audio recordings feature male and female voices chanting the melodies and using the instruments according to the tunes used by Dudjom Yangsi.
Rinpoche has freely offered the recording on his travels around the world and has requested Light of Berotsana make it available as an offering to students of Troma as a free download.
Download Troma Nagmo Intermediate Sadhana Audio mp3 file here.
Download the Troma Nagmo Feasts of Chod Audio mp3 file here.
View the Troma Nagmo Chod publication collection here. Includes practice texts and teachings.
A Supplication Prayer Entitled:
Recalling the Renown of
Kyabjé Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
by Lama Chonam
In honor of the precious Master and in remembrance of Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche's paranirvana eight years ago Dec 28-29. May we never be separate from the Master!
A Supplication entitled:
An Ornament of Samantabhadra’s Wisdom Intent
by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
Download the PDF here
Swift Rebirth Prayer for Katog Getse Rinpoche, Tenpai Gyaltsen by
H.H. the Dalai Lama
Written by the Bhikshu of Shakyamuni, the Dharma Teacher, Dalai Lama, in the 17th Rabjung, Earth Dog Year, 22nd day of the tenth month, November 28th 2018.
Heartfelt Prayer to the Master His Holiness Getse Rinpoche
by Lama Chonam
Several days after Kyabje Getse Rinpoche dissolved his rupakaya into the dharmadhatu, I Choying Namgyal, or the one named Dharma, wrote this in the sacred place of Yangleshod, Nepal according to my feelings. Virtue.
Guru Yoga Sadhana
by H.H. Getse Rinpoche
This concise Guru Yoga sadhana was given to Light of Berotsana to translate by Tenzin Weigyal for disciples to practice during this important time. It is being distributed to sanghas far and wide and to those gathered in Nepal with the Kudung of H.H. Gets Rinpoche. Late November, 2018.
Swift Rebirth Prayer
for The Superb Terton Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche
by The Fourth Dodrubchen Rinpoche
This Swift Rebirth Prayer was written by Dodrubchen Rinpoche at the request of Yangthang Rinpoche's close family members and attendants including the entire Sangha from the great Monastery Pedma Yangtsei in Sikkim.
This PDF file can be shared widely. Download the PDF file
Prayer of the Six Bardos
This concise aspiration to be free from the six transitional periods known as bardo comes from the profound terma of Karma Lingpa.
Karma Lingpa is famous for his revelations concerning the bardo and this prayer was selected by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche to teach and transmit to his western disciples. Kyabje Rinpoche taught this on a number of occasions during his final tours in the USA.
Light of Berotsana is pleased to present this to you as a an offering. You may simply read the meaning and contemplate it according to your understanding and/or recite the prayer whenever you wish.
Auxiliary Prayers for Daily Practice and Sadhana Practice with Ganachakra
Kyabje Jigdral Yeshe Dorje
compiled by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
Created for those attending the annual Troma Nagmo Retreats at Orgyen Dorje Den.
We are happy to offer this free download of auxiliary prayers to be inserted into Daily Practice and Sadhana Practice with Ganachakra for the Dudjom Tersar lineage.
Three of these prayers were revealed by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, compiled by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, and translated by Pema Chokyi and Sangye Khandro. An explanation of where to insert each prayer is included.
Two formats are offered. One is 8.5"x11” and the other is an 8.5"x5.5” booklet formatted to print double-sided and folded in the middle. (For the booklet, be sure to choose “print on both sides” in your printer options.)
Download Booklet 8.5x5.5 - (For the booklet, be sure to choose “print on both sides” in your printer options.)
The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
(lam gtso rnam gsum)
by Je Tsongkhapa
Light of Berotsana is pleased to offer our translation of this well-known teaching by the great master Je Tsongkhapa, an emanation of Manjushri. Respected by all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism this poetic presentation illuminates the teaching on non-dual emptiness and appearances as well as highlighting the three aspects that lead to liberation namely, renunciation, altruism and the realization of emptiness.
HH Dudjom Rinpoche's - Advice for Mountain Retreat
On the auspicious occasion of Saga Dawa 2014, we offer this new translation of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche's Advice for Mountain Retreat. This essential upadesha covers the preparation involving the severance of compulsive attachment and fixation through purification; severing all doubts concerning view, meditation, and conduct; and maintaining the vows of samaya during post-meditation.
Download the small booklet
For the small booklet format, please print double-sided in landscape format.
Download the full page format
8.5"x11" full-page PDF
Excerpt from An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations: A Clearly Compiled Commentary Based upon the Close Lineage of Chod
Pema Lungtog Gyatso
Translated by Light of Berotsana, this excerpt of a spiritual hymn will be included in a book due for publication in 2014 (Dudjom Lingpa's Chod) that will be a compilation of two invaluable chod commentaries: An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations by Pema Lungtog Gyatso, and Heart Essence of Saraha (2nd edition) by Dudjom Lingpa, retranslated by Light of Berotsana.
Download the chod excerpt
The Benzar Guru Mantra's Benefits and Syllable Commentary
Terma of Karma Lingpa
At the request of Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, this brief commentary on the Benzar Guru mantra was translated into both English and Chinese. Gyatrul Rinpoche expressed that everyone should read and contemplate this teaching, to inspire faith and give a glimpse of the profundity of the mantra's blessing. Please feel free to share with all who might be interested. May they be of benefit!
Download the English Translation
Download the Chinese Translation
An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations:
A Clearly Compiled Commentary Based upon the Close Lineage of Chod
An excerpt on generosity from the Chod Commentary
by Pema Lungtog Gyatso
Offering for Dzogchen Disciples
For those of you who have had Dzogchen empowerment, please feel free to download this new translation by Sangye Khandro of Paltrul Rinpoche’s commentary on Garab Dorje’s last testament called The Three Statements that Strike the Vital Point entitled Commentary on the Exceptional Instruction of the Learned Shri Gyalpo. This was translated on April 18, 2013 for the occasion of Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche visiting Pema Osal Ling to bestow teachings on this commentary.
**File download for For Dzogchen practitioners only
Longevity Supplication to Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche
Yeilding Immortality
Sogan Tulku, Pema Lodro, wrote this supplication at the dharma center of Orgyen Dorje Den, on the eighth day of Saga Dawa in the Year of the Water Dragon, May 29, 2012.
An Ambrosial Ocean of Sublime Explanations
On the festival day of Chotrul Duchen (February 25th, 2013), we offer to you this excerpt from the guru-devotion section of the commentary on chod, or severance, entitled An Ambrosial Ocean of Sublime Explanations by Pema Lungtog Gyatso, rainbow-body disciple of Heruka Dudjom Lingpa. Light of Berotsana is presently editing and preparing for publication this amazing and extensive commentary.
The following excerpt is offered in honor of the imminent visit by the Venerable Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche, who will arrive in Alameda, California on March 12th, 2013 and confer the great empowerments of the Nyingma Kama Tradition beginning on March 15th for three weeks at Orgyen Dorje Den. Translation will be offered by Light of Berotsana Translation Group.
Song of Kalden Gyatso
From Heart Essence of Saraha -- excerpt: From the collected works of the great terton Dudjom Lingpa, composed by the disciple Pema Lungtog Gyatso.
This excerpt is a song in verse that is under the section of wandering in fear-provoking environments to practice severance and describes the qualities of the places, the benefits, and the necessary state of mind of the meditator.
Praise to the Twenty-One Taras
entitled Swift Blessings
by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche with an insert from Ratna Lingpa's terma.
Tibetan/English version
A Supplication Prayer entitled Ornament of Samantabhadra's Wisdom Intent
by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
Translated by Light of Berotsana on the anniversary of Omnicient Longchenpa
Prayer to Heruka Dudjom Lingpa: A Chariot of Devotion
As an offering to all, we hope you enjoy this new translation of a supplication prayer to Heruka Dudjom Lingpa written by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, entitled: A Chariot of Devotion.